Leadership Team


Bob Brand
CEO & President

[iconbox layout=”icon-left” title=”” icon_size= “30px” icon=”fa-phone”]250.592.3155[/iconbox]
[iconbox layout=”icon-left” title=”” icon_size= “30px” icon=”fa-envelope”]bbrand@comvida.com[/iconbox]



Lori Hornidge
Director of Product Development

[iconbox layout=”icon-left” title=”” icon_size= “30px” icon=”fa-envelope”]lhornidge@comvida.com[/iconbox]

Lori enjoys getting outside with her family, taking daytrips to the beach, gardening and letting the dog take her for walks to the park.



Gord Gruger CPA, CA
Vice President

[iconbox layout=”icon-left” title=”” icon_size= “30px” icon=”fa-phone”]604.540.3011[/iconbox]
[iconbox layout=”icon-left” title=”” icon_size= “30px” icon=”fa-envelope”]ggruger@comvida.com[/iconbox]

In his spare time Gord enjoys coaching his kids teams, staying in shape and the occasional golf trip (Playing the Old Course at St. Andrews was a highlight in 2012).


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Zahir Shariff
Director of Client Services

[iconbox layout=”icon-left” title=”” icon_size= “30px” icon=”fa-phone”]1.866.866.3626[/iconbox]
[iconbox layout=”icon-left” title=”” icon_size= “30px” icon=”fa-envelope”]zshariff@comvida.com[/iconbox]

I love chocolate covered almonds. Biking and walking keep me active and I also enjoy listening to a variety of music.



Shai Sakal
Regional Sales Manager

[iconbox layout=”icon-left” title=”” icon_size= “30px” icon=”fa-phone”]1.866.666.1140[/iconbox]
[iconbox layout=”icon-left” title=”” icon_size= “30px” icon=”fa-envelope”]ssakal@comvida.com[/iconbox]

A sales and business development manager with industry experience in Education, Health Care, Law Enforcement, Horticulture and Textile Manufacturing; while, working in organizations that range from small start-ups to multi-national corporations.


Phil Bourgeois
Client Services & Business Development

[iconbox layout=”icon-left” title=”” icon_size= “30px” icon=”fa-phone”]604-540-3012[/iconbox]
[iconbox layout=”icon-left” title=”” icon_size= “30px” icon=”fa-envelope”]pbourgeois@comvida.com[/iconbox]


Originally born in Montreal, Phil is fully fluent in both English and French. Outside of the office, Phil is actively involved with amateur baseball working as an umpire and administrator at both provincial and national levels.


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Cyndie Ludba
Director of HelpDesk

[iconbox layout=”icon-left” title=”” icon_size= “30px” icon=”fa-envelope”]cludba@comvida.com[/iconbox]

Cyndie loves spending time with her family.  She enjoys travelling, walking, biking, going to the gym, and quilting.  In her spare time she is a part time chauffeur driving her children to all their activities.



Barb Stewart
Director of Implementation Services

[iconbox layout=”icon-left” title=”” icon_size= “30px” icon=”fa-envelope”]bstewart@comvida.com[/iconbox]